40 Day Fit, 2021
“Your Wellness Road Trip”
A complete 40-day, faith-based, strength and conditioning road map,
for individuals or groups.
Prep: Orientation | Technology & Support | Tribes | The CHallenge
Dedicating appropriate time to prepare is crucial to your overall success with the program. There is no time limit on your prep time, it’s perfectly acceptable to take as much time as you or your tribe needs to mentally and physically prepare for the journey. It’s wise to alter your schedule and commit to a minimum of one hour per day, for forty days.
Finding the right tribe is always a fun part of the process, but by no means necessary. You can fly solo, join a tribe, or create a tribe yourself. Regardless of how you start, when you start, or who you start with; the more prepared you are, the more successful you are going to be.
It is suggested that you meet with your own physician or with our staff nurses or physicians prior to starting your strength program or modifying your diet. Your program includes access to virtual medicine and many other features you can take advantage of. Prep time is perfect for making necessary personal adjustments, notifying loved ones of your commitment, and seeking their support and prayer during your journey.
There are a variety of helpful tutorials available to watch at your convenience or with your tribe. These videos will help you navigate through your program, utilize resources, and create healthy habits that will optimize results. Your 40-day journey is difficult; however, extremely rewarding. Dial into the program and start your engines with confidence. Your road map will lead you to where you need to be.
Week 001: Sacrificial living | Service
In Week 1 we take a deep dive into our nutrition and eating habits. We also take an in-depth look at our stress levels, schedule, happiness, sleep, intimacy, and overall wellness. We explore how these factors impact our Temple and relationship with Christ. Week 1 is a reality check that is designed to motivate and encourage, however, it often reveals things we tend to want to hide. This is the perfect time to nail obstacles to the cross and let them go.
Week 002: Strength
These lessons cover more than your muscles. This week will pump you up like no other! The tasks are designed to create confidence, educate you in the gym, instruct you in a safe and effective way to maximize your results in all of your life. Overcome obstacles, build endurance, and assemble your supernatural strength with the help of the Spirit.
Week 003: Supplements | Nutraceuticals | DETOX
Understanding Supplication. Medical products and lifestyle optimization. Safe and effective nutraceutical and detoxification protocols for adults and children. Anatomy and vital human needs.
Week 004: Science | History | Theology
Understanding the fundamentals that define Christianity and other popular religions or views. Global perspectives on wellness and spiritual beliefs. A challenging mix of evidence-based science in conjunction with biblical and world history.
Week 005: Praise & Worship | your Sanctuary
Exercise and eating clean is an act of praise and worship. It’s a mutual honor and connection that “blesses-us back” immediately. Praise is a weapon and it gives us strength, jacks us up, and gives us power. We are all on a mission to follow His ways (whether we realize it or not), so let’s rock it out and back it up. Give Him the Glory He deserves. Move with Him, for Him, and towards Him. Enhance your perspective on your daily tasks and get dialed-in to your walk of faith and sharpen your sword. Praise and train with the humble swag of Christ.
week 006: Self-actualization
Reverse the curve through self-reflection and change. This will open many doors states of consciousness, and allow you to gain a greater understanding of the power of the Spirit. Humble yourself before the Lord. And turn it up a notch…