Kinergy is the combination of family and movement that creates energy, in Jesus’ name.

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Kinergy Mission

We strive to connect with our Creator and honor His masterpiece by optimizing our physical lifestyle. We create faith-based wellness programming with the goal of helping individuals find peace and longevity through Christ.

Read about the O’Neill’s (Founders) Here.

Kinergy, Inc. is a Federal Non-Profit Organization, 501c3

2250 Oak Street Wyandotte, MI 48192 | | | 855-Fit-Chur (ch)


“Absolutely incredible!”

“The program was perfect for our Life Group. It really broke the ice even though we’ve been meeting for over a year. This was the first time it felt like everyone was engaged and in it to support each other. It was hard but rewarding for all of us. It was a unanimous vote to start another 40-days together, immediately.”

“I really enjoyed the program. It was difficult but practical and more than worth it. I learned quite a bit and it was fun.”

“This program broke me… I can never look at my health or my physical actions the same way again. I am so grateful to have changed my perspective. For myself, my family, and honor to God. I no longer take it for granted. Than you!”

“After completing the program, I’m excited to do it again with my husband and hopefully some of my extended family. I saw amazing results in my life, my attitude, my weight, and lifestyle changes. I also found it extremely entertaining. I laughed out loud by myself on more than one occasion.” 

Your step-by-step wellness road map
leading to eternal destinations.



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Join the movement and reverse the curve! We confidently put on the full armor of God and attack “avoidable statistics” and “genetic inevitability.” There is incredible power in Christ-centered living and it starts with taking care of your Temple. He resides in us and it’s our responsibility to respect this holy union and prepare a place for him in our hearts, in our minds, in our souls, and in our physical bodies.

Assess your priorities. Show Him He’s worth it. He’s already shown us that we are…


of American adults

Have a preventable chronic disease.

* Many of which are caused by behaviors involving tobacco, poor nutrition, lack of physical activity, and alcohol use.



of American Adults

Are obese.

* 20% of children under
the age of 19 are considered



Of American adults

Can meet national aerobic and muscular strength guidelines for their age. 1 out of every 5 is also clinically depressed.


Do you not know that you are God's temple and that God's Spirit dwells in you?

I Corinthians 3: 16


For God's temple is holy,
and you are that temple.

1 Cor. 3:17

The name Kinergy is an extension of Kinetic or Kinesiology which means movement or the study of movement. “Kin” also refers to family or “next of kin.” We’re all about family movement.




40-Day Fit uses Intermittent Fasting as part of the program. Participants are not required to participate although if cleared by our physicians, or your own, we highly encourage individuals to stick to the plan if possible.

Week 1: No IF Window
Week 2: 12-hour IF eating window
Week 3: 10-hour IF eating window
Week 4: 8-hour IF eating window
Week 5: 6-hour IF eating window
Week 6: 4-hour IF eating window

Some food and nutritional supplements are included in all live camps. Additional meal plans are available.

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Cardio Coaching is an entertaining way to receive the message. Watch episodes when assigned and enjoy a fun way to build physical and mental strength.

Turn on your machine. Press play. Enjoy the next episode.